Wednesday, July 13, 2011


For a while now I've been feeling like something was missing with my business.  Don't get me wrong I LOVE what I do with great passion.  Photography is good for my soul.  It is my creative outlet.  But, I've been longing for a little something more within the structure of my business.  It's like I reached this fork in the road and one path would keep me going in the same safe direction and one would take me somewhere unknown, maybe uncomfortable and scary.  Well, I'm all for an adventure so guess which path I chose to take.

A strong desire to share my passion for photography with others has been tugging at me.  I've networked with some professionals, followed blogs and taken classes.  I love talking with other professionals, discussing equipment, techniques, the business, etc.  Still I felt like I was looking for something more.  Just before Christmas I toyed with the idea of teaching a photography class.  Somehow, I immediately dismissed the idea.  But over the months it kept popping into my mind.  A lingering thought that would never disappear completely.  Then a few days ago I decided to let my guard down and just go for it.  I decided the best way was to just put the idea out there and see if I got a response.  What did I have to lose?  No response = no class.  Response = Oh, snap, I better get ready.  Well, within a couple of hours I was getting response from people who were interested in learning. So, tomorrow is my 1st class and I'm so excited.  Yes, I'm nervous too.

For those of you coming to the class - here is a disclaimer right up front.  I don't know everything about photography.  I don't pretend to know everything about photography.  I don't think that my way is the right way or the only way,  but it is what has worked for me.  I'm so excited to see you all tomorrow.  And I promise, we will have fun and learn a lot along the way.


And because blogs are better with pictures... This picture was taken while on vacation at Ocean Isle Beach.  It was so hazy and foggy outside and I though this tree looked cool.

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