Tuesday, August 2, 2011


This week my life has been blessed and my soul uplifted.  I'm attending Vacation Bible School!  VBS was one of the things I looked forward to the most during summer vacation.  A time to gather at church with friends, learn stories about Jesus and have FUN!  I still recall some of the crafts I made during those wonderful summers... and if I looked hard enough I just might be a be able to find a few of them at my childhood home.  A few that come to mind are a small bookshelf, that I painted all by myself.  A canvas art project of the Ten Commandments.  A metal sign that read "Bless This Home" created by hammering nails into a piece of tin.  I also remember the yummy snacks and fellowship with all the kids in our small community.

Well, here I am, a grown woman experiencing VBS in a whole new light.  Behind the lens of my camera.  It is quite a view!  The huge smiles on the faces of these precious kids.  The joy and excitement bursting at the seams in each activity room.  The patience and love of the teachers who are there to teach the lessons.  It is an amazing experience.  An experience that I'm so honored to have.  As I was taking photos today, moving about from class to class, I soaked it all in and fell in love with VBS all over again.

A big thank you to my friend and neighbor who has put in countless hours to make this VBS a success.  Veronica - you are wonder woman!!  To all of the wonderful volunteers, church members, parents and kids at The Woodlands United Methodist Church, I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me share in this glorious experience.  I have been blessed.  The good part, it's not over!  I'll be there for the next three days and I can't wait to see what God has in store!

Here are a few pictures of the first 2 days!

Craft... create your own sunglasses!

Crazy sock day!!

Today the lessons were about Compassion.  The craft was to build an Emergency Compassion Kit!

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