Monday, January 24, 2011

iheartfaces Photo Contest - Innocent Wonder

Wow, I'm a woman on a mission today!  I just submitted a post to my blog about adding a photo contest to my long list of things to do.  Well, I could not get this photo out of my head, so I decided why wait.  There is no time like the present.

This image kept going back and forth in my mind and I knew it was the one I needed to submit to the photo contest "Innocent Wonder."  This little boy was a joy to shoot and he was amazed at everyone and everything.  His expressions were amazing and full of wonder!


  1. What a wonderful shot. It definitely fits the theme. Those eyes are full of wonder. I really like the side lighting as well.

  2. Thanks so much for the comment and for stopping by the Blog! I really appreciate it!

  3. I could just eat him up...the look in his eye is pure innocence...beautiful photo.

  4. Thanks Victoria! This little boy was so much fun to work with!

  5. Perfect for this week! His eyes are gorgeous!

  6. This is pure innocence! Beautiful little guy!

  7. Thanks everyone for the comments! There were so many great entries. I don't envy the judges - they have a very difficult job this week. Good luck everyone!


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