Thursday, January 20, 2011

OK... now what?!?

I had this great idea to jump on the bandwagon and start a blog.  Yes, I know,  I'm a little late since everyone is already blogging!   So, I did it, I created a blog... now what?  What will I blog about?  Who will read it?  Why am I worried?

Those of you who know me will are probably wondering why I'm worried about what I'll say.  Because, if you know me or have spent any time around me you know one thing for sure... I'M A TALKER!!  I can't help it.  I got it honest!  It runs in the family!  My Grandmother Floy, a darling, sweet and endearing woman could talk all day long.  She never tired or ran out of words.  Words flowed from her like a babbling brook.  I think I inherited my "gift of gab" from her.  But still, I don't know how to blog.  I'm afraid I'll struggle to keep it up and find things to say, but here is my first attempt.

I'll keep this one short and sweet.  This, my first blog post, is dedicated to my wonderful late Grandma Floy.  May her memory be an inspiration to help me find the words to continue!

And here she is doing what she did best... talking!  I love you and miss you Grandma.


  1. I will read it!!!! Love and miss you

  2. Well that was Great !!!!!
    I had 2 wonderful Grandmothers, my Grandmother Ella pasted away when I was in 1st grade. She lived with us, she loved to go set out on the front porch and talk with whoever came by. She loved everyone she was the most loveable person I have ever known and yes I miss her dearly.

    Now on the other Grandmother (Anna Bell) well when
    I was a kid I didn't really care to much for her.
    It was don't sit on my bed, don't touch that and kids are to play outside. Well it was until I was about 21 years old before we became good friends.
    She loved going to Church and going fishing.
    As my dad said if you want a seat in the boat you had better get in before Anna Bell found out.
    God Bless her she loved to fish.
    I lost my Grandmother about 5 years ago at the age of 103. And I bet she is fishing today in Heaven.

    Thanks Kelly for share your Grandmother with us.
    Your talking, networking florist friend,

  3. My "Granny" pasted away in 2005, and I miss her dearly. My philosophy as a kid was "If momma ain't happy, go to grandmas" When I started doing hair, she stopped going to her sister Phylis (whom had done hair for 40 plus years) and started coming to me! I just LOVED those times of her sitting in my chair and us just gossiping for hours!!! I will also never forget the hours we spent doing crossword puzzles in a hospital room, in the months prior to her passing. I love my Granny! I hope that when/if I have kids, that they love/appreciate their grand-parents as much as I did.
    Great first blog, Kelly!!!


  4. Thanks ladies for sharing the special stories of your Grandmothers. There is nothing quite like the love of a Grandma! They impact our lives in more ways that we can understand when we are younger and grow to appreciate and cherish as we grow older and wiser.

  5. Thank God for the life of this precious lady ~


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