Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Like most of you out there I LOVE, really LOVE the internet!  I'm constantly researching products, equipment and the latest trends in photography, celebrity news and recipes. Which reminds me, I bought a chocolate croissant yesterday to 'save' for this mornings breakfast.  I came downstairs, made my coffee and reached for that brown paper bag filled with chocolatey flaky pastry goodness and what?!??!!  It is GONE?  Vanished.  Disappeared into thin air!  I have this aching in my stomach that tells me it was mistaken for trash when cleaning up from dinner last night (or perhaps it is aching from the sad realization that there will be no chocolate croissant for breakfast.)  So add to Google searching... how to make a chocolate croissant at home!  OK, back to the story...

I really want to add a new lens to my bag.  I'm one of those 'I need it and I want it NOW' people when it comes to new goodies for my business.  But of course, wouldn't it be better if you could try before you buy!  Well, I found this great website that rents lenses, cameras and accessories for VERY reasonable prices.  It is the perfect way to test a new gadget before you spend the big $$$$'s.  It is also imperative to test your new gear before you use it on an actual job!  Every photographers worst nightmare is uploading the photos to find not so good pictures.  Of course, if you know your gear you can shoot without the worry.  I'm looking at the Canon 50mm 1.2 and am so excited to give it a whirl.  To look at the products available visit Aperturent to see all the great equipment they have available.  I'm planning to try a week long rental and do some test shots.  I might even need some models to take out for a shoot.  Once I've tried it out I'll post some photos.  

Happy Wednesday Everyone!


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