Monday, January 24, 2011

Loving My Job

I'm finally winding down from a long a busy day.  However, I think I could continue working well into the night.  I'm loving my job and finding that the more I work, the more I LOVE IT!  So many new opportunities have been presented to me and I plan to take each one and embrace it like the great new gift that it is.  I'm so blessed to be on this journey.

Today was filled with emails, research, scheduling, more research, working on web based marketing and preparing for a meeting later this week.  I've also ran across a great new website that offers weekly photography contests.  I'm currently adding to my long list of to do's... 'find a great photo to submit to this weeks contest.'  This weeks theme is "Innocent Wonder" and my mind is going into overdrive.  A continuous slideshow is playing in my mind of all the possibilities.  I think I know which image I want to use because it keeps popping into my head.

In other news... thank you to my husband for being my 'client' yesterday.  He needed a new headshot for business and lucky me - I was selected as his photographer.  :-)  This photo is one of my favorites from the shoot.  After 15 years together he still gives me goosebumps!

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