Monday, February 28, 2011

Anything But A Face: i heart faces Photo Challenge

To get myself back into the blogging routine (I'm two weeks behind) I'm entering this weeks photo challenge at i heart faces.  The theme is:  Anything But A Face.  I had several photos to consider, but I came back to this one almost instantly.

A little tribute to Texas and this great Texas couple!  I can't wait to shoot their wedding in September!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


A gorgeous sunny TX afternoon and an even more gorgeous couple!  Tabatha and Jake met while attending college in Georgia and are now enjoying big city life in Houston.

It is obvious they love being with one another!  I was so happy to spend the afternoon with them, laughing and taking pictures.  OK, can I just say Tabatha was rocking that blue dress and heels on the railroad tracks!  I can't wait to shoot their wedding in September and see Jake show off his dance moves!

Here are a few of my favorites from their session in Old Town Spring, TX...

Showing off their TX spirit!

I LOVE this one... 

Tabatha noticed the 'W' in the window.  In honor of the soon to be "Mr. and Mrs. W!"


Friday, February 11, 2011

A little reminder of Charleston right here in TX

It has been a fun and busy week in the business, with a couple of wedding consultations and a real estate photography job.  I was honored to have the opportunity to work with a great real estate agent Melissa and BCS Properties for a new listing on Lake Conroe, TX.  I had so much fun working with Melissa on this picture perfect listing.  This home reminded me so much of the home we left in Charleston, SC when we moved to TX last year.  I even had the opportunity to meet the homeowners at the end of the night.  What an awesome fun family!  Thanks to BCS for the opportunity and I look forward to working with you wonderful women again!

I wanted to share a photo of my Charleston home (top) and the Lake Conroe home (bottom).  I felt like I was looking at a little piece Charleston right here in TX!


Monday, February 7, 2011

i heart faces - Photo Challenge- Hearts

It is time for a new weekly photo challenge over at i heart faces.  In honor Valentine's Day this weeks contest is simply "Hearts".

I had a couple of photos that I was considering for this weeks entry.  However, in honor of Valentine's Day and my most special Valentine (my daughter) I selected this photo of her.  It was snapped just yesterday while we were hanging out as a family on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.

The hearts are not the focus of the photo, but can been seen in the back ground.  The star of this photo is the sweet girl that stole my HEART 12 1/2 years ago!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Old Town Spring

Today we spent the day as a family in Old Town Spring.  Can I just tell you that I LOVE this place!  The colorful cottages that house local businesses, great front porches and old town charm that is hard to find these days.

Malia had a friend visiting so we decided to take the camera with us on our little adventure.  There were so many great photo ops... my head was spinning!  I could have spent the entire day there seeking out great little spots for picture taking.  Of course, my 'clients' were not quite as excited as I was.  The girls looked great and didn't mind striking the occasional pose.  My hubby and I even got in on the fun and took our turn in front of the lens.

Here's sneak peek of our afternoon.  Enjoy!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Reflections of Mom

This morning started like any other Saturday morning in the Sanchez house.  Frank headed out to work leaving me and Abby (our dog) in a warm bed to enjoy a few more precious moments of sleep.  Malia, our pre-teen, enjoying the laziness of a day off of school.  About an hour later I convinced myself to get out of bed and take Abby for her walk.

Back inside to make some coffee, catch up on a few shows on DVR and then on to the household chores.  While putting away the dishes the thought popped into my head.  'You need to call Mom.'  And just like that, in a nanosecond the reality of my thought hit me like a ton of bricks... 'Kelly, you can't call her!'  It has been 19 months and it sill seems impossible.  Like a bad dream that I can't wake up from.  She is gone.

One of the things I miss the most is the sound of her voice.  Our daily phone calls.  I still have her number in my cell and long for the conversations we used to share.  So, I talked to her today, in my kitchen, putting away the dishes.  I told her the all the latest news, about Malia and her school activities.  Things going on with my business.  The weather.  How much I miss her.  I love her.   And, when I listen real close I still hear her voice and I know that she is still with me.  Her fingerprint will forever be on my heart - in the woman I am and the woman I still long to become.

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