Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sisters Hannah and Haley: Spivey's Corner (Dunn, NC)

Sisters.  I have one, so I understand the dynamics of that relationship.  As kids we sometimes wanted to pull out each others hair!  There were moments when we could not stand to be in the same room.  Other times, most of the time, we were best friends, confidants, fashion consultants and secret keepers.  It is a relationship that sees its ups and downs.  As an adult, I come to embrace our differences and know how lucky I am to have her in my life.

I worked with sisters Hannah and Haley a few days ago.  Watching them together reminded me of my sister and I when we were that age.  After talking to their Mom we decided to start at their house so that Lucy (Hannah's little yorkie could join the photo shoot.)  Well who knew!?!?  They had a dream location right on their property.  A pretty white fence which worked perfectly with a idyllic backdrop - a grassy field and a red barn.  I was thrilled!  After taking some photos there we headed into Dunn, NC for a change of scenery.  These girls would look great no matter what the setting and they were more than willing to keep on modeling for me.

Thank you Hannah and Haley (and Lucy) for letting me photograph you.  I know it is not easy to be in front of the camera, but you girls rocked it out!  I would also like to say a special thanks to their Mom Laura for all of her patience over the past few months, the numerous emails back and forth and all of my crazy suggestions for a location.  It all worked out great!  Next time I'm in town I would love the opportunity to work with you all again.  Maybe we can even get Dad and brother Caden to join us!!

Here are a few favorites from the shoot...

Lucy, you should be a model for dog magazines!

Gorgeous Haley!

Hannah you are a beautiful girl!

Girls, laughter looks good on you!

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