Sunday, June 12, 2011


I suppose today was like any other day.  Except, it wasn't.   Today was a bittersweet day.  Filled with tears, grief, smiles, laughter and hope.

Today marked the two year anniversary of my Mother's passing and her new life in heaven.  I still find myself having a hard time believing that she is no longer here with us.  I sense her presence with me and have moments when I feel like she is right by my side.  Today was one of those days.  You see, not only was it a day of sadness, but a day of gratefulness and wonderful memories of her and our time together.

It was also the day that my darling nephew Owen was dedicated at church.  (Thank you to my sister for coordinating this blessed event while I'm in NC visiting.)  I was so thankful and happy to witness this wonderful display of God's presence in the lives of our family.  The church service was beautiful and very touching to all those who were there to witness it.  I know that my Mother would without a doubt be grinning from ear to ear with pride and love for that precious little boy.  For the whole family.  Owen's fraternal Grandparent's have also moved on to heaven and I know that they were just as proud as we all were.

So what could have been a day of mourning, turned into a day of fond memories from the past, the loved ones that we have lost and the hope of a bright future for a sweet baby boy.  

Love to you Mama and Owen.  Today we celebrated each of your lives and the joy you have brought to ours.

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